So, this was completed last week and it has taken me forever to get around to posting it. I've decided to call it GOBBLE.
Work has been fairly busy after a few week hiatus. I find the timing of the collective sexual energy in the city super frustrating. I get calls from 9-11am and then again from 3-5pm and then after 12 at night. The morning calls are the hardest, these calls are also just inquiries, which means you should pick them up, its business hours. I try but I can't get them, I can hardly put a sentence together before noon.
Almost all my lovers under 30 have some sort of issue with my body hair. This issue can range from not licking my pussy…ever. Or doing it so grudgingly and being so noncommittal about it, I have to get them to stop because I’m embarrassed for them.
I have had people tell me that it’s a turn off, that they prefer pussy ‘clean’, one even stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me and said, “I have to ask you, but why don’t you shave?”
I focused my gaze on his rather untrimmed bush and asked him the same question. The Idiot responded, “because I’m a boy, I don’t have to.”
Good grief!
Now just to give an idea… for work I have to trim and wax a fair amount of my hair from my nether regions. But I’m not going bald, it takes time, energy, money and well, quite a lot of pain.
Most of my clients don’t have a problem with the amount of hair I have, some even search me out because of it, as bald is fairly sex industry standard and I’m unique. But I think this is all because my clients are above 30 and haven’t been sexually developed through bald pussy porn. I’ve had some clients ask me about it, and some may not have gone down on me due to a fuzzy crotch, but hey that’s just one more orgasm I don’t have to fake.
If my lovers are anti-pussy hair I don’t generally take offense but only if they have have something else going for them. One lover showed me I could squirt. Another lived really close by and had sex furniture. One was the most enthusiastic and creative sadist I’ve ever had the pleasure/pain of experiencing. All of these people had skills that allowed me to side step their preference for ‘youthful’ looking cootch.
Is this what sexual preference is, a little give and take? Part of me expects oral regardless of hair because you know, it’s totally not a huge deal, a little hair in your mouth poor baby! I was spoiled with decent, feminist lovers in university. I’m trying to be sex positive and that understand sexual difference is ok and that its a little silly of me to expect someone to do a sexual action they dislike, for whatever sexist, annoying reason heterosexual boys have for getting out of licking pussy. But really I do expect them to lick it, and do it well and fucking enjoy it when I come all over their faces. Thank god for orally skilled older clients!
And Thank god for Sarah Haskins who probably has the cutest bush ever!
I started writing about goblins last year, as I started to get to know the city better. When I lived in a small community I felt like a fairy, now I feel the city wrap itself around me, choke me with grit, glitter, slime and plastic. Slowely twisting me up into a different shape. And I love it.
Happy endings are for fairy tales and rub and tugs. The rest of us just want a good meal and somewhere warm to sleep.
Its not worker related, or really all that sexy... but its fun to make, so I'm hoping to do one a week... maybe one a month, the second one is in the works, almost finished.