What irks me the most is when I choose not to have sex with an individual and they refuse to let it go.
I suddenly transform into mommy, denying candy to her 8 year old son. “But why?” I hear him moan. Followed by puppy dog eyes, which I’m assuming is a desperate, pathetic attempt to change my mind. If you think staring into the eyes of a 8 year old boy in the body of a 26 old man is a turn on, you are dead wrong.
Sometimes it continues beyond this. After a firm and steady no, “I’m not interested” you take the quiet passive aggressive route. Suddenly you don’t know what to talk about, your eyes wander, you are taking my preference not to rip off my clothes and blow you as a deep personal insult. I’m sorry, incredibly insecure man, but I don’t feel like getting down and dirty.
Or you continue to ask me throughout our conversation. Do you think my ‘no’ is a fucking straw house, the more you blow the closer you are to me doing the same to you?
This article below gives a handy guide to a few issues that may be behind a woman’s disinterest in your package deal. While I find it somewhat problematic, I like how it reminds our tragic hero that it’s not always about him. It also brings up some interesting issues like insecurity and personal safety as barriers to getting right into it. For example, she is not body confident at the moment (wants to trim her bush), she knows that sex will be painful for her (in the case of yeast infection), her undies are not porntastic, etc.
People want to come to a sexual encounter knowing they are going to enjoy it. I wish more people came to a sexual encounter understanding that their partner will enjoy it too. And while you may be confident in your sexing ability and your hot ass, you don’t know what’s going on with the other person, personally and physically. So BACK THE FUCK OFF, if they decline your amorous advance.
Whole article after the link
15 Reasons She Won't Have Sex With You | The Frisky
"Dudes of the world: You are very sexy. You are very tempting. You are very hard ... to say no to. Believe me! But sometimes, my V isn’t willing to accept the gift that is your P. So before you go getting down on yourself, here are the real reasons I won’t have sex with you after a date, even if it went well…
- Too Drunk To Screw: I might puke and I’d rather not do it while either aerobically sexercising or encouraging my gag reflex over a beej. Besides, do you really want to test if we’re at that “I’ll hold your hair!” stage?
- First Is The Worst: I may want to do you after a first date, but conventional wisdom has told me not to. I might have dry-humped your jeans bald, but, I’m not taking them off. I’m just worried that if we do too much too fast it’ll just turn into a fling. So, please, at least give us until date three.
- Rag Time: I’m sorry, I can’t. Believe me, if I could ditch Aunt Flo, I would. But day one is no fun for anyone. I’ll get back to you in a few. And no, my butt doesn’t automatically become an option when my va-jay is out of commission.
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