Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why I write about Sex

This post was inspired by Figleaf's Real Adult Sex post on the same topic….

Why I write about sex…

Because I think about it all the time
Because its thrown in my face all the time
Because I’m asked for it all the time
Because I never get enough of it
Because I have too much of it
Because it’s the most enjoyable thing I do by myself, besides dancing, reading a good book.
Because it’s the most enjoyable thing I can do by with another person besides dancing, making and eating a good meal.
Because it brought me into this world and Because its probably going to damn well take me out again (broken heart, jealous lover or severe bed sheet burns)
Because it makes me know myself better
Because is got me knowing you better
Because it’s where our secrets are
Because I can’t figure out what I’m doing half the time.
Because I’m fucking good at it.