Charms, 2009 by Jason Cantoro
Work is super slow this week, 1 cancellation, 1 reschedule, 0 calls. I blame the weather, everyone seems to be in a pretty tense mood. I was so bored today I washed the floors of my apartment (for the first time in 4 months).
The reason behind Yod's cuddliness became apparent last night when he told me he had been feeling triggered lately due to body pains and housing drama at the home front. I feel really torn on the issue of being an emotional support and safe house. Cuddles, food, safe space are all good, but not being able to regulate my work/personal space gets slightly difficult for me when I suddenly have a boyfriend hanging around the apartment when I'm supposed to be 'working'.
Having a proper work schedule like 9-5 is great when you can come home to your siggy other and shoot the shit until you both fall asleep ready for your next day at work. But my work is all over the place. I get calls at 10am, I get calls at 10pm. If I had another bedroom I would just stick Yod in there until I was finished. Unfortunately I have a one bedroom closet and therefore either need to kick him out while taking a late night client, or simply cancel the call.
Having a boyfriend is strange.
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